Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thoughts Under The Umbrella

As i write this, i am simultaneously caught in a web of bewilderment at the state of the world today. At the state of mankind, where we came from, where we are now and where we are heading.

I don't claim to be an "expert" but as a surgical observer into the constantly changing dynamics of our world. I focus on the whole rather than the varying parts. Our seemingly varying systems of education are practically setup in the same way, the names might vary but the fundamental mechanisms are the same. An institution specifically setup as a guise for producing "reflexive minded" people.

You are almost immersed in a world, which exists only through the binoculars of education. Now, i tend to ask myself sometimes random unwarranted questions. Like for instance, can an educated person be  simultaneously ignorant? can an illiterate be knowledgeable?. Peeling sentiments away, we might be left facing an unwanted truth.

Unwanted only because it would challenge our existing structures of reality. If to say one, can obtain knowledge without attending the institutional process of education, then it only suffices to argue that the fundamentals on which the justification for educating oneself is based on is flawed.

Tread with caution reason says, go forth with wisdom intuition argues and somewhere in between this dualistic state of mind, a biting question lays unanswered. If the premise on which the justification for educating oneself, is flawed, then just why is education peddled as a golden key to prosperity?

One must ask who exactly promotes this notion or i prefer to see it as some kind of package. Like you'd have an insurance package e.t.c. Educating oneself is certainly not a golden key to prosperity, because if it was we wouldn't have roadside mechanics, instead you'd need to take your car to a Mechanical Engineer.

Or your janitor, who has skills on par with almost 3 plus disciplines combined. These real time examples are dots & specs which not only go on to highlight the simple fact that, like everything else, we have been looking at this from unfeasible vantage points.

The intention is what drives a man to a conclusion, when we look at education what do we see? we see a door to many possibilities, limitless possibilities in the case of the 'hyper-optimists'. We bask in the fact we have gone through an institution whose sole purpose is to configure your mind to see the world through its lens and its lens alone, anything otherwise is dismissed or thrown in the garbage can.

So much so, we do not, atleast a great majority of us who have gone through the agonizing process of institutional education. we do not sense our participation in promoting this farce by becoming unwilling/willing defenders of this school of thought. Indeed, your thoughts are schooled!

Explaining to someone who has gone through institutional education that we might have more than just 2 eyes, we have 4. 2 external eyes - which are responsible for the external material/physical world i.e. Materialism. And we've 2 internal eyes - which are responsible for internal meta-physical/spiritual realms. The harmonious synchronicity between them, produces the fountain of knowledge from which you draw healthy balanced thoughts.

This vantage point of reality amongst many others is simply not accepted because we are so in tuned with the internal bondage that institutionalization does to the human mind. The brain reflects that synchronicity as a physical manifestation of the mind, but it is not the mind. The trick of institutionalization is to suggest to you a version of reality which is soothing to the sentimental bedrock of the human, which some might call it the heart.

Because arrogance prevents one from admitting wrong, then one becomes an unwilling servant of wrong. And from a servant of wrong, one slowly becomes the master of wrong, until finally one embodies the wrong. Thus, we must safely assume, looking at the current state of our reality and ramifications of this state to the well being of our minds, body, soul, families, environment, planet, & the ripple effects continues to the core where it is repelled back and a new reality is created through its waves.

Education is merely one of the components that holds this authoritarian grip on our reality. If we were to humble ourselves and simply accept we do not 'Know', the beauty of that admission opens a door to limitless possibilities. Because from there, we can move on to how can we know more with the less we know?

We wouldn't be pursuing information but rather knowledge. If we were humble enough to admit that like everything else in life there are varying colorful alternatives to achieving or reaching the same point. But the starting point is pivotal, because if you start wearing the lens of education, then you'd unequivocally end up in the same realms as many before/after you.

Hence, to start with a synchronized view of the world balanced with both internal eyes & external eyes. Then every step you take to reaching your goal will be rich in knowledge because you wouldn't be restricted by the chains of the one-eyed (or in this case two-eyed-extern). The means to an end would vary in creativity and finess. Like the colours of a rainbow which are there not just to leave us in awe staring at their beauty but also to reflect on how varying colourful paths each rich in its own right, eventually lead to a single end.

This picture worth more than a Nebula of words, is probably one of the clearest raodmaps for us to visualize, internalize, harmonize and externalize. This cycle of realization should produce new healthy possibilities previously unheard of.

At the current state of affairs, we can see the  current state of reality and what a deplorable state it is we're certainly to blame if we believe we have only two eyes.

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